Holistic nutrition deals with the body’s complex balance between physical, chemical, and emotional health. An experienced holistic nutritionist works with each person to develop a unique customized plant that emphasizes the whole person. The individual remains a vital part of the body’s healing process. Working cooperatively, the client moves towards optimal health.
30 Ways to Reduce Anxiety
Work, family life, illness, and the daily grind are enough to trigger your body’s flight and response system. In some of us, the body’s response can be hypersensitive. This leads to anxiety, stress, and depression. Help from a medical professional to manage anxiety is key to feeling better. Treat yourself better and reduce anxiety with these fun times, from spa day packages to good nutrition. Take care of yourself to feel like a better and less anxious you!
These are a few of my favorite things…
Each one of us is different. Find which of these helpful tips will help reduce anxiety for you. And remember, you don’t need to fight anxiety alone. A good friend, therapist, or significant other can help you minimize stress in your life. Work together. Enjoy life.
5 Ways To Unwind This Summer
While each season is unique, perhaps none is more so than summer. Full of activities and time off work, summer seems to take your well-crafted schedule and turn it on its head. The busyness of summer is unique and fun, but can often be overwhelming, too. If this is the case, here are five ways to unwind this summer.
Grab a good book
It’s time to tackle that mounting pile of books you just didn’t have time for during the rest of the year. Now, there’s no reason that summer books need to be light or frothy. In fact, lighter books are best for the times when you’re busy and need an easy read at night. You don’t have to tackle War and Peace this summer but try your best to challenge yourself. Head to the library for inspiration or ask around. Take a chance with a new author. It never hurts to try a new book, and if you don’t like it, no one is forcing you to finish it.
5 Ways To Put Yourself First
Feeling like life is moving too fast? You’re constantly rushing around to meet someone else’s schedule. At the end of the day, you finally have some me-time but you’re too exhausted to enjoy it. It’s time to put yourself first.
Make a list
How do you want to spend your time, and what are your priorities? Having ‘me time’ is great but is also vague and hard to implement. Stop and take a few minutes to organize your thoughts and write down what that ‘me time’ should look like. Maybe it’s finding time to regularly get your hair cut. Maybe it’s more time to read and finish a book. It could be more time to walk or stay active. Once you know what you want more of in life, the easier it will be to make that happen.
4 Ways Journaling Can Lead To A More Peaceful You
Is your life becoming too hectic? Are you constantly rushing around, trying desperately to tackle that to-do list? Ironically, as we have created a world that is easier, we somehow have managed to overfill our time. So, what can we do about this stressful life? Journaling is a unique opportunity for us to connect with yourselves. If you want a return to a simpler life, journaling can lead to a more peaceful you.
Mindfulness is about being present in the present. It is about being aware of what is happening at this moment. It’s not about checking your smartphone as you watch a show on Netflix while also eating your dinner. It’s about being aware of one task that you are doing. Mindfulness is about being committed fully to whatever you are doing, even if you are doing nothing.
4 New Year’s Resolutions For A More Relaxed You

The Christmas holidays are a time of fun, excitement, and unfortunately, a lot of stress. The beginning of a new year in January is the perfect time to pause and focus on yourself. Here are a few ways to create new year’s resolutions that lead to a more relaxed you.
Quality, not Quantity
It’s not about how much you do of something, but how well you do with it. For example, instead of trying to read a giant stack of books that maybe have little meaning, or are really just fluff, try to tackle more meaningful books. Find a memoir that will inspire you. Pick up a classic that you’ve always meant to read. You could pick a book with your partner and read it together to have something to discuss at night. Or, find a book club that will help inspire debate and get your minds working. The point is that if you can invest your time wisely, you will appreciate your hard work and effort.
The Differences Between Waxing and Sugaring
There are many options for creating smooth skin, which can become a bit overwhelming when trying to make a decision. Here are the differences between waxing and sugaring, to help simplify things a bit.
One of the main differences between waxing and sugaring pertains to the ingredients. Waxing is a hybrid formula between natural and chemical ingredients. Waxes are usually made from resins. In contrast, sugaring is all natural and includes sugar, water, and sometimes lemon.
Why It’s Important To Make Time For Yourself
We’ve all heard the cliché that just as it’s important to put your own oxygen mask on first in an airplane so is it important to take care of yourself first in life. This cliché exists because it is true, yet it is easier said than done.
Think of yourself as the foundation of a building
It may not be glamorous, but the foundation of a building needs to be strong; otherwise, everything will crumble. Often a personal foundation may start by being strong, but over time can weaken. As a result, cracks can appear in the building itself. The reaction may be to try to spend time repairing the building, but what really needs to be done is strengthen the foundation.
How Attending a Spa Can Help You Just as Much Mentally as Physically
People visit Toronto Spas to get all sorts of treatments. There are facials to rejuvenate the skin, massages to work out knots in the muscles, and body wraps to reduce bloating and cellulite. However, no matter which treatment a customer books, they always hope to walk out feeling relaxed. That’s because spa treatments have huge benefits for the mind as well as the body. Read on to find out what they are.
The Mental Benefits of a Toronto Spa Treatment
Here’s how a spa day could improve your mental health and well-being.
Why Going to the Spa Shouldn’t Just Be Considered a Luxurious Treat
For many years the day spa has been considered a kind of ultimate luxury. An indulgence that signaled you had arrived or that you’d always been a person of means. It still is. But beyond the role of the spa as a kind of social signifier it’s also being recognized of late for the many health benefits it provides. The new awareness has caused a kind of minor revision in the way spas are perceived: from luxurious treat to healthy necessity. Below we’re going to take a closer look at some of the many reasons visiting the spa in midtown Toronto is a healthy decision.
Wellness Centre or Spa in Midtown Toronto?
The days of the spa being considered little more than a place to spend a few hours indulging oneself are over. Today the spa is seen by a new generation of women as more than a luxury; it’s a necessity. Here are some of the reasons why:
- Stress relief – There are few things as essential to good health as stress relief and there are few better ways to melt away the cares of a stressful day than a visit to the Urb Organic Spa where stress release is just a therapeutic massage or session of hydrotherapy
- Better sleep – An afternoon at the spa will not only result is a clean, clear system and a general feeling of relaxation it will also allow you to sleep better when you lay down at the end of the day. Deep, restful sleep is essential to the proper workings of both body and mind and the sleep you’ll get after a visit to the Urb Organic Spa in midtown Toronto will have you wondering how you ever lived any other way.
- Relief from aches and pains – Anyone who has lived long enough to reach a certain age can tell you that it seems like the universe invents new aches and pains on a daily basis just to torment us. Thankfully, you can get relief from everyday aches and pains through a variety of spa treatments including physiotherapy, acupuncture, reflexology and more.
- Weight loss – By working with the clinicians at the Urb Organic Spa you’ll be able to devise a schedule of diet plans and physical activities that will help you achieve your target weight. Once there we’ll work with you to maintain your optimal weight level so you can enjoy a greater sense of physical freedom and overall well-being.
- Preventative action – An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure as the old saying goes and regular visits to the Urb Organic Spa in midtown Toronto will help you prevent a slew of health problems that might well have befallen you if you had simply stayed home.
A visit to the spa is no longer just an excuse for indulgence, it’s an opportunity to fine tune your overall health, and as such, a practical necessity. Call the Urb Organic Spa today to make an appointment and take charge of your health.