While each season is unique, perhaps none is more so than summer. Full of activities and time off work, summer seems to take your well-crafted schedule and turn it on its head. The busyness of summer is unique and fun, but can often be overwhelming, too. If this is the case, here are five ways to unwind this summer.
Grab a good book
It’s time to tackle that mounting pile of books you just didn’t have time for during the rest of the year. Now, there’s no reason that summer books need to be light or frothy. In fact, lighter books are best for the times when you’re busy and need an easy read at night. You don’t have to tackle War and Peace this summer but try your best to challenge yourself. Head to the library for inspiration or ask around. Take a chance with a new author. It never hurts to try a new book, and if you don’t like it, no one is forcing you to finish it.
Take a moment for yourself
Summer can be busy. There are people to see, activities to join, and it can be easy to be swept up in the bustle of everything. Each day, find time just for yourself. A few moments to reconnect with yourself can leave you more energized than a cup of coffee. Remember that it’s ok to turn down an invite. If your body is saying you need to rest, be sure to listen.
Enjoy the sunrise
Summer mornings are amazing. There’s a real magic about them. The day holds endless possibilities just waiting to happen. When you can, wake up with the birds and enjoy the quiet morning time. Head to your deck or go for a morning stroll. There’s real peace in knowing you’re awake before so many others.
Find gratitude in the sunset
At the end of the day, reflect on what has happened. Summer days are unique. They can either be filled with endless moments or a whirl of activity. Especially on those busy days, be sure to reflect on what has happened and search for the gratitude amongst the events. The more you savor each day, the less likely you’ll wonder where summer went to at the end.
Do something for others
One final way to unwind this summer is to help others out. While a bit of soul searching is always encouraged, often the answers we are looking for can be found with other people. Take some time this summer to volunteer or reach out to a friend in need. To be honest, it might seem like a lot of effort at the beginning. But once you get started, you’ll realize this was the final piece to creating harmony in yourself.