Ready to improve your face? Wanting to get a facial peel, but not sure when is the best time? Well, it turns out that a facial peel is essential in the summer. Here’s why.
Mops up oil
If you’re like most people, even a bit of exercise in the summer heat can quickly turn to an oily face. All that sweat means you’re working hard, but it’s also an open invitation for your pores to open up and turn into acne.
One of the ingredients in a facial peel is salicylic acid. This ingredient will actually absorb excess oil in the skin. If used in high-grease times, like the summer, it can naturally cut down on that bothersome greasy feeling so often felt.
Get picture perfect
Summer is all about looking as good as you can. Especially during wedding season. As you prepare to save the date, you might be thinking about a bit of life to your face. A facial peel is essential in the summer so you can always be camera-ready. The recovery time for a facial peel is just a matter of days, so you can get one done the week before a wedding and not have to worry about any issues.
Having a facial peel before a wedding means less cost on professional make up artists. Your skin will be so soft and supple, you can easily apply your favorite shades.
Let your skin breathe
Sure, in winter months you want a more even skin tone and plenty of foundation to bring color back to your cheeks. But in summer, take advantage of your sun-kissed, wind-swept look. A facial peel will help bring the natural feel back to your face. You don’t need to cover it in layers of makeup. Instead, you can show everyone your natural, youthful glow.
Start planning
A facial peel needs a few days to work its magic. Thankfully, it just takes a bit of planning to make everything come together. If you plan on using a vacation day to catch up on your summer reading, schedule a facial peel before your long weekend. Then, relax, read, meditate, and catch up on some me-time. By Monday you can re-emerge into the world as a fresher version of yourself.
Keep your skin protected
One of the reasons for a facial peel is UV damage. Do your best to prevent that damage from happening in the first place. Having a facial peel and starting from scratch means you can forget about the damage from last summer. Now is the time to take better care of your skin and always apply sunscreen. You can live your best life and stay protected at the same time.